Conversation Between carbrochuretom and slipperylizard

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Patrick,

    I have just noticed your message from back in August. In regards to the McLaren brochure, firstly, just to clarify, this brochure I have is not the VIP brochure, that has been popping up on ebay for the last couple of months. This brochure I have is the actual customer brochure, that is bought by the customer along with the car - this is what I was told by the dealer.

    And secondly, I emailed the new McLaren dealer in London and asked about whether there was going to be a brochure produced for the MP4-12C (that was back in June 2011). The response I got back was "Yes - and we intend to print a few extras for collectors and callers".

    How many "few" is, I have no idea.

    After asking them to contact me directly, if and when they had produced such a brochure, this did not happen until I contacted them again. Then I bought it and they sent it to me.

    Hope that helps. Email me at [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] if you require any more info

  2. Evening Carbrochuretom,

    I apologise for getting in contact so sporadically. I was merely getting in touch to ask you about the McLaren MP4-12C VIP brochure if I may? I've been trying for some time to get hold of one, but regrettably the only one I've previously seen has just sold on E-bay. I've tried E-mailing the Dealer Principal at McLaren Birmingham having blagged my way into the launch event but I've yet to get a response.

    Would you mind me asking who at McLaren you managed to source or purchase one off. Was it one of the Client Services guys or was it someone more senior.

    Any advice or hints most appreciated.

    Kind regards,

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