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Thread: Removal of stupid comments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    UK Plymouth

    Comments system

    For Ultimatecarpage to live up to its name, I think you must start considering removing some of the more ridiculous or abusive comments.

    I've just read some of the comments on the chevrolet chevelle ss and having swear words on the title smacks of a lowering of standards . . . maybe it's just me?

    Anyone else agree or am I just turning into a prune?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    well, first of all it is good to see the comments being refreshed. Obviously the forums took so much effort that dealing with the comments was somewhat neglected. I fully appreciate that there is a difference in level of the comments, after all any idiot has access to internet. Sometimes there is a filter on the comments, mine have been refused a couple of times, either for not adding anything to the discussion or for not being clear enough (the tongue was a bit too far in cheek). I personally regret the use of SMS speak and the general lack of care given to grammar and spelling (although typo's always occur when you are in a hurry and surfing in the boss' his time) but we also have to understand that part of the readers are still in the growing phase of their live (whether they will make it is not always obvious) and is reflected in their say less balanced comments I just looked again (I had already read it) at the comment on the Chevelle (by Chevy Man) and I think he was trying to paraphrase a lot of the real shitty comments. He might better have chosen another title but I think he was trying to be funny, and as far as I am concerned he succeeded.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: Removal of stupid comments

    Originally posted by Kudosdude
    Anyone else agree or am I just turning into a prune?
    The quality of comments have forced me to reconsider the entire comment system. With the forums in place, there now is a place for visitors to spew their guts. Maybe the main page should only reflect our opinion and not those of visitors, but then there is the 10% of high quality comments that would go with the rest.

    I am open for suggestions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    My suggestion is that the comment section should be maintained. It will require some diligent scrutinising by the moderators, and as far as I know there are quite a few (on a voluntary basis), but I would prefer when the news section is added at the beginning of the week to be able to immediately make comments on the new cars. I always check whether people have already commented. I think relegating that to the forum section will be less effective. The forum section is more of a general nature and not to discuss individual cars. If i would like to read about what people think about the Porsche 934 i would like to see that in the section devoted to the car and not in the forum. If somebody would like to compare the 934 and 935 than the forum would be the place to go.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    UK Plymouth
    Personally I think the comments should be of a higher quality, while I have no problems with "I want this car when I'm older", I am not a fan of comments that don't add anything to the page.

    Perhaps comments that don't meet the criteria should be returned with an attached comment, i.e. "do you want to rephrase that"

    Otherwise perhaps the user should be directed to the forum to express their opinion? A forum is the sounding board afterall.

    (Glad I'm not a prune afterall Wouter )

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    Perhaps comment made should go through a moderation system like comments on the website, moderators sift through all the completely meaningless comments and thus save the reputation of the site. difficult to set up, maybe, but at least yoú'd save space otherwise used up by idiots ranting on about "My car will waste yours". who really cars if his reliant robin will waste the other dudes BMW Isetta?
    <cough> </cough>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Perth Western Australia

    Hey Kudosdude

    Hi Kudos - can't email you (something about a block on sending you emails?) - thought you might like to reveiw your comments on slams and opinions? Maybe you'd like to read a few of 'henk4's posts, maybe not.

    Anyway is this the correct forum?

    Regards and best wishes,
    Oz Exige
    A pox - a pox I say -
    a pox on all those that cling to the use of the oil-burning horseless carriage and pollute the King's highways and byways.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    UK Plymouth
    Hello Oz - Am not sure I quite understand what you mean by

    thought you might like to reveiw your comments on slams and opinions
    my comments?

    Anyway I have no real say on this board I'm just a regular visitor.
    As regards this thread I was more concerned with the threads on the car pages, rather than the forum.

    Anyway I have no problem with Henk4, nor you, sorry if that got lost somewhere. . . (? I'm assuming you are referring to the favourite engine thread ?)

    Take care

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Anyway I have no problem with Henk4

    Thank you KD, and, yes it is absolutely necessary for you to remain as anonymous as you are? If need be rsvp through a private message.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    when looking at the contributions I see a lot of rubbish being sent by either motorhead or motormaniac. Most of the time they are discussing between themselves without contributing anything meaningful to the forum. Especially motormaniac has a tendency to contribute nonsense to every thread. Noting that both motor's are from singapore and another prolific contributor, the already banned hotflank also came from singapore I have the suspicion that this is one and the same person, using three aliasses just to communicate with himself, in the absence of anybody else to talk to. If this is the case it would pity him, but would seriously request him to refrain from infesting the forums.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Western Pennsylvania

    Re: Re: Removal of stupid comments

    Originally posted by Wouter Melissen
    I am open for suggestions.
    Delete the user comments before I delete you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    Mr. DSM Owner, your more likelly to get deleted than Wouter....
    <cough> </cough>

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Western Pennsylvania
    Originally posted by IBrake4Rainbows
    Mr. DSM Owner, your more likelly to get deleted than Wouter....
    I'll delete you too.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: Re: Removal of stupid comments

    Originally posted by Wouter Melissen
    I am open for suggestions.
    Dear Wouter,
    You're absolutely right,the comments quality vary according to the person's behavior,education,mood...etc
    It will be a time burner to revise every single comment for every user and this will slow the server down.
    The best solution,in my opinion,is to filter the ANNOYING users posts instead of filtering all users posts.
    Last edited by kinan.f; 06-03-2003 at 07:18 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    define annoying so it can be programmed as a filter, otherwise somebody has to do it manually just as the comments.

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