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Thread: My wife is brave, and getting well!!!

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Johannesburg South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by CJ_007
    Doug, how soon, at the earliest, can she be home?
    There is no thought of her coming home yet, we first have to determine whether she'll live.

    Another day in the ICU ward. If her health can be reduced to a numbers game, which is what they do in ICU, the charts tell all, then there may be some reason to be hopeful. With my unwanted but quite extensive experience of hanging around her hospital wards and reading charts out of boredom over the last several years, what I'm seeing is:

    The blood toxins which were sky high, have reduced significantly to the extent that no dialysis was done today.
    Electrolytes which were dangerously low are still out of whack, but much nearer to target.
    The white blood cell count which was rising day-to-day, indicating the body fighting harder and harder against infection, has stopped rising.
    Blood pressure is a little low still but is maintaining itself without more blood being transfused today.

    These are only indicators but taken together, the big picture points to stabilisation, from where she could possibly start to climb out of the pit.

    Also on the upside, her trusted doctor arrived tonight. My phone call caught him on the way home from the airport and he came around after dropping his family and bags at home. He still has to assimilate her condition and the goings on over the last few days, but assures me he will give it his best shot. She's still out of it but he intends waking her up tomorrow to let her know he's there and remove some of the 'stuff' to check what she can do on her own and what she still needs drugs and machines to do for her. Yikes, was I glad to see him, even the nursing staff cheered!

    I see tomorrow as a time to regroup and make a fresh start. Don't stop praying just yet please.

    We start any venture with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before we empty the bag of luck.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Mexico City, Mexico
    It's really good to hear that there is reason to be hopefull. Don't lose faith Doug!!! She'll be home soon enough, you'll see.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Burnaby BC
    Good to hear that the right doctor has come along!!! Now, hopefully with his expertise he can make a god plan for your wife's recovery and return to home.

    Keep up the amazing strength that you've got Doug. You are a champion!!!!
    UCP's BSG Nerd and a resident Freerider.
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  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Remember, we're here for you when you need someone (or a group of 500) to talk to. You and your family have been, and will continue to be, in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Kokomo, IN
    As everyone on here has said i truely wish you and your family the best. I've never been so moved on these forums as much as this. Honestly say i hope she makes it out and you stick around here. You'll be in my prayers man and i wish you the best of luck. Keep us posted.
    Ucp's #1 Toyota Supra fanatic......still.

    2006 Scion tC..
    Forced Induction - Props to Dezod Motorsports & PTuning

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Purdue, Indiana
    I'm very glad to hear that her condition is stabilising. I'll keep praying for you and her.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Adelaide, Australia
    Doug, let God be with you and your wife.

    Be strong man.
    "Take my swimming trunks, I won't need them." - Frank Costanza. "What does he want with your swimming trunks." - Estelle Costanza. "Why should they go to waste." - Frank Costanza - Seinfeld

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Johannesburg South Africa
    This morning, I took a few Father Christmas, tree decorations, sprayed them liberally with the disinfectant they have outside the ICU door and hung them on a drip hook suspended above her face, so that when she woke up, they would be the first things she saw. This mostly to placate her because I suspect she will be highly p'd off with me for breaking my promise and putting her in this situation.

    Alas, a setback, she is too ill to make any changes to the treatment and dialysis was resumed this morning. All changes, including waking her, have been postponed 24 hours. Oh my........

    We start any venture with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before we empty the bag of luck.

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    It's only a 24 hour delay. I think 24 hours lost will be better in the long run for any chance you may have of being with her in her true state in the forseeable future.

    The fact they're even considering waking her is a hugely positive step
    <cough> </cough>

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Porto - Portugal
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug_Dread
    Don't stop praying just yet please.
    You bet. I'm not religious, but all those times I feel no human can help me, I always tend to look up and I do feel something or someone's giving me a little hand on the critical moment. I try not to push "his" or "it's" patience too far so that he doesn't get annoyed. So I only turn to "him"/"it" when I really, really need. And believe me I already did today, once I was midway through this thread. For you and yours.
    I'm in no way ashamed of saying I've cried and laughed with you in this last half-hour. Believe me we will still be here to laugh and smile with you the day you'll come around to tell us your head is up again, wether this ended up the good or the bad way. In either cases believe me you're in one of those moment's in life when a normal man becomes an hero and for that you should be proud. You made decisions based on love. When simple logic isn't enough to help our decisions, I do believe the heart is the proper ultimate judge. You did well and, deep down, you know your wife understands that and is thankful for you act of love, no matter the Christmas decorations.

    Wait those 24 hours as calm as possible. I'm sure all this UCP members' crossed fingers around the world will do some help.

    On a side-note, the fact that you chose to open your heart with the forums is seen by me as an honour and a compliment to the community. It's also nice to see we're up to the task of helping you spend your time better.
    It's a good example for those who underrate the value of internet human relations.

    Nice talking to you and I'll be waiting for news.
    Last edited by McReis; 12-27-2006 at 05:37 AM.
    Money can't buy you friends, but you do get a better class of enemy.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Johannesburg South Africa
    My continued appreciation to all.

    The hard drug was discontinued tonight. Forget the name but it's designed to sedate heavily and prevent the patient from remembering anything about what horrors they experienced. It stays in the body for several hours so will only work its way out by tomorrow. It's replacement is also potent but permits conciousness. I am filled with trepidation as to her reaction when she sees what a mess they've made of her, there is not an unbruised patch of flesh on her arms, neck and upper chest, all black and purple with liberal amounts of blood seeping out of all the needle entry points.

    While on the subject of drugs, maybe I could offer tips here that could keep someone out there off the road to hell that Terry has had to travel.

    1. The origin of her kidney failure at a relatively early age was abuse of laxatives as a teenager/young woman, a trick used by many young woman to stay slim and sexy.

    2. If you have reason to take painkillers more often than for the occasional headache, avoid Aspirin and Codeine based tablets, they are kidney-killers, switch to Paracetamol based tablets.

    On an amusing note. I had a bad headache at the hospital today and as I had to take all Terry's meds to the hospital for her to continue, in addition to the gazillion other drugs being pumped into her, I took a couple of her available, regular kidney-friendly painkiller capsules. F*** I can FLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I also can't feel my fingertips and the tip of my nose belongs to someone else. I'm stunned when I think that she has been taking 4, 6 hourly, for years and still suffering from inadequate pain control.

    Enough for now, I'm anxiously waiting to see what happens tomorrow (erm, its passed midnight...ok, later today).

    We start any venture with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before we empty the bag of luck.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Burnaby BC
    Wow Doug!!

    Firstly let me say that I am really stoked that she's being taken off of the heavy sedatives, and yes, I have to agree that she may be quite choked when she sees herself, but that's the price to pay for going against the grain and trying to save your wife.

    Secondly, advice taken. My own Dad had a kidney stone, and the doctors believed that it cam about from taking too much Advil to try to control pain from a neck injury that gives him chronic pain.

    Lastly, your humour is intact. You are still human, and you are still an amazing man to have stuck buy your wife, and stuck to your guns in how to save her. Doug, keep fighting for her man, and if it ever goes to pot then you will know that you have done absolutely everything to save her... but hey, it looks like it may work out.

    As for pain control, has she ever tried to use pharmaceutical marijuana? Some of the older kids from BC Children's Hospital that I know of were prescribed it for pain control, and it actually made them hungry too. Some of the kids would also have parents buy it too, because it worked so well to help them feel better, and not be dragged under by the chemo etc. See if that may be an option man... it's a long shot, but it may work.
    UCP's BSG Nerd and a resident Freerider.
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  13. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Porto - Portugal
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug_Dread
    F*** I can FLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I also can't feel my fingertips and the tip of my nose belongs to someone else.

    Just to make sure you're safe, believe us: you can't fly!
    Money can't buy you friends, but you do get a better class of enemy.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Johannesburg South Africa
    Terry has been waking up more and more throughout the day and is now pretty much aware of what's going on. She's also terrified. Every time I said I had to leave or be kicked out by the nursing staff for a short while, I got a violent shake of the head! Man, what a joy to be able to talk to her and be heard and understood, lifted my spirits bigtime!! She didn't show any signs of being p'd off with me either, maybe she's saving the bollocking for later......

    They are removing the respirator tube from her throat tomorrow, not because she doesn't need it but because such tubes may not be left in longer than 7/8 days or damage may occur. This is the BIG one, the HUGE one, if she manages to breath on her own it will be absolutely brilliant. The alternative is nasty, they'll punch a hole in her throat and stick another tube through that (Tracheotomy). To those praying for her, please focus on this moment.

    PS: if this works, I'll finally be relieved of my promise, there'll be no machines to switch off!

    We start any venture with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before we empty the bag of luck.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    It's good that her condition is improving. Keep your spirits up!

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