The Veyron has a rough ride and is godawful loud, even by sports and super car standards. They added a nav system, but so what? Not really digging it. Plus, they made a huge deal out of the top speed and a bunch of reporters started spouting of the fact that it was a record holder for fastest car in the world. But before they ever went out and actually got it certified with a record run, a little company in Washington state had already beaten them. Did not get anywhere near the press but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Sure the SSC has lower production numbers, but so does the F1. If you're voting for it because you feel it personifies a decade of excess, flamboyance and media hype I could see where you're coming from. But by that token the Hummer H2 should also be up for voting. To me the Veyron personifies everything that is wrong with cars today and I can't see voting for it as the COTD.